3. Getting rid of the old furniture, and get new furniture

5/18/2017 Syl 0 Comments

Living with someone who doesn't want change also means using far too old furniture.

The leather couch was not a place to sit anymore, but a place not to have to stay too long. It's age meant that comfort was buried in the past.

From my place, on a cushion not to have a steel part making a hole in my trousers, I was looking at an orange couch, which provided still some convenience to the kids. But cleaning it regularly also made me aware of the problems it soon would show at the expense of at least one of them, landing on the floor by surprise.

So getting a new couch instead of the leather one,  and putting two comfortable chairs at the place of the orange couch was  a wish I couldn't resist.

My eyes also fell on the new rocking chair of the Ikea. It was fun and a good place for me to spend lonely evenings.

As I have quite some hobby materials I wanted to have some cabinets with drawers, to sort the items and hide them.

I also want another diner set, but the one I want has disappeared from the market.

Added to it all a new floor, but as I want to move to another house, it's not really needed.



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