Finally to England
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We left at 5.00 hours in the morning. It was dark, some stretches even without lights, but the light of our car.
We had to go though a part of The Netherlands, straight through Belgium, to France.
Rain, drizzled, hit the car like acorns in fall.
And when finally the morning arrived, we drove through the last part to the terminal of the boat in Duinkerke.
Not a nice photo, but a memory of the terminal where it was warm. The coffee was nice, and apart from two other people we were the only travellers.
That's our boat, arriving...
And when the boat was visible, the sun was too.
Our turn to board.
Soon we'll be there.
Rusty and dirty escape boat.
Men working to free us from the ropes that still tie us to the main land.
View from the restaurant.
More grey clouds and rain, and reflection of the window.
The cliffs of Dover in the rain and mist.