Volunteer work

6/13/2017 Syl 0 Comments

What a way of starting the week!

First I had to give a speech in front of a large audience room, with about 50 to 60 people.

It's a part of the first session of 2 information days for people who have had heartsurgery and/or a heart attack.

They get a lot of information in a few hours from the cardio-nurse, the cardiologist, me and the hospital-psychologist.

Now the nurse knows me a bit, she trusts me more. But she still impresses me as looking down on the activities of our heart-organisation. During the next months the presentations will not only be directed at the patients, at the same time I will inform her of the importance of our organisation when people have left the hospital and are at home.
We all work for the well being of the patients, whether we're paid or not.

At the end of the session there are always some private talks and I enjoy them very much. It's so special that people trust you with their deep inner feelings without any hesitation.

After this I had half an hour to prepare for the next meeting.

It was a meeting between the patient representation board of the hospital and patient organisations, at a location I didn't know.

I tried to find the personnel exit, because it would lead me to the back of the building where we would have our meeting.
When I finally found it I couldn't open the doors, because I had no ID card of the hospital, so no chip to open it. Had to walk all the way back, and had to trust my instincts to find the way.

I enjoyed the wind, as it blew away the high temperatures. So I didn't arrive all sweaty.
Found the building without problems, like I'd been walking there ever so often.

In the hall I was welcomed by two people who were very kind and easy going.
Turned out that there were 4 people from the patient representation board, one person who gave us information about quality and safety monitoring, and.....me. None of the other patient organisations had turned up.

It made the meeting even more interesting, because there was no struggle to find the level of communication. I've worked in a hospital in the past, so I already knew lots of abbreviations.

I've witnessed in the past the first steps of computer registration of goods in a hospital. Now I saw plans for a new system, new wires and rewiring, and education of all layers of staff.
It was also a good opportunity to talk with all members of the board, exchange opinions and of course ask one of the crucial questions to keep them on their toes: the morbidity and mortality of waiting lists for cardiology. The chairman recognized the question.

I asked the same one 4 years ago and they had no numbers at the time.
Now I expect numbers.
I also asked them to check the accuracy of the published waiting times.

I don't think I would have asked this with the other organisations present.

Besides that I had the opportunity to talk about some other subjects.

When I left I had a good feeling about the meeting. I expect some good cooperation.

I was very tired when I arrived at home, but did some gardening for 15 minutes or so together with one of my daughters. Just to have some fresh air before dinner.

Next wednesday another meeting and then a bit of rest before working on the magazine.



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