Another cardiologist...another disappointment

2/22/2018 Syl 0 Comments

I was open awaiting the new cardiologist.
Found him on internet and he seemed to be nice.
Worked at a center that not only is technically advanced, but also renowned for its good care.

Arrived in time, was called in in time by the nurse. Weight, EKG, blood pressure.
Some chatting. I sensed something I couldn't put my finger on.

The guy came in. Smile, hand, OK.
I asked how long he was staying. 'A year, and when I do OK, longer.'
'I'm working for a heart organisation. So we have to send fanmail to the head of the department to make you stay...'
He asked why I wanted to know and I told him my experience with people who need to clear up the waiting list, that they don't know the files and just do something to make you stay away for another half year.
Saw that sudden something in his eyes that made me think he didn't know my files.

Then he started to ask if I could sleep.. said I didn't sleep well.
'Can you sleep flat?'
I always could sleep flat, even when I was dying, I couldn't sleep on my left side, and now I can most of the time.
Did I ever get dizzy or fall. Told him I fall once in a few months, just out of the blue.
If I did something like walking or bicycling. 'I'm not bicycling much, as I don't want to fall from a bicycle, and my hip often hurts too much'

He was just checking symptoms... he didn't even know why I was there!

So I told him that I was not happy with the way things were going with my medication. That the first cardiologist told me to review it after a year and it wasn't done, as the second cardiologist didn't dare to change anything.
To my surprise I got a love song about my second cardiologist. He was so good, so experienced.... He knew what he was doing. 'Yea, ignoring a kidney insufficiency for 3 years, denying it completely.
He never told me anything. that's why I asked to sit down with the new cardiologist to go through the imagery and see what happened with my heart, what changed in time, how it is now.'
'We just have 10 minutes for each patient...I have 17 more patients to see'... so in fact he said: ' I won't take the time to tell you how your heart is doing.'
He told me I should be happy to know I came from a very bad heart up to now. My output is reasonably good.

Well...isn't that nice?

And my arteries were clean, very clean. 
Yes, that's what the written report of that time starts with, as they expected cluttered arteries and I had none.  (5 years ago)

I felt I was shutting up again. He didn't listen to what I said.
I don't want to be told to be happy I'm still alive. Been there, done that.
I want to see with my both eyes what has happened with my heart.  I've seen how it was, saw the movie during an information afternoon for heart failure patients as an example of a dying heart. (!!!!!) after I saw it with my cardiologist.
That was all.
It's MY heart, my insurance paying for his time.
What do I need to do to see what I want to see: ask the head of the department for half an hour of a cardiologist? Or just give me the movies and photos. I can interpret them pretty well. Did my studies...

Then he came back on my question about diminishing medication.
'You can do without the furosemide'. It's a waterpill. Added to the pile of the rest because I started to keep water. I got 40 mg a day, turned it back to 20 in 2 days. Can't do with less.
Discussed it with the nephro-nurse and she wanted to keep me on it, as did the doctors. So I told him nephrology wanted that to stay, as they did one of the other pills the former cardiologist wanted to throw out.
'Your advices go against each other. Why can't cardiology and nephrology work together? I'd rather have one consultation each year with the two of you, discussing matters and sitting in each other's hair, than me stuck in between two disciplines giving opposite advices.'

'But we don't work that way in our health care system. We each do our job and that is it. That's the system.'
'That doesn't make it right. It doesn't benefit the patient. When my heart gets better and my kidneys worse, what's the use?'

So he felt he had to talk with the nephrologist.
'I call her, but I'm not sure I can get in contact.'
I mumbled that mail is invented for that. He had me say it again.
'To reach someone by mail is even worse.'
I gave up...
Maybe he hasn't found out the benefits of mailing in the medical world.

'I came here to exchange Metoprolol for something else, as it makes me feel depressed.'
That's why I was referred to him.
Not a kind word, just; 'you'll hear it on monday'.
'See you in 6 months.'

Well, I'll guess he sees me walking past his room when I'm on my way to speak at the information afternoon.

And then I walked outside, angry, disappointed. thinking I'd met another car mechanic from the fanclub of my former cardiologist.

How on earth can I feel happy my heart is doing 'reasonably well' when my kidneys have paid the prize and I feel shit?

At the toilets a woman greeted me with a nice smile. Last time I was speaking at an information afternoon she sat at the front row.
Went to the shops and visited one of the shops I used to go a lot. Retail therapy. A lot of things for a euro, so I bought 2 cookbooks for my kids. Had a bit of small talk with one of the girls. She's so kind.
Son needed toiletpaper, so I bought the largest package available.
Suppressed the need to bring it to hospital to clear away their shit.

Well, on monday I'll meet the new nephrologist.
I think I have to leave all my questions at home, not to be awarded a note in my files of being the worst patient of the hospital.
If she's not what I need, I 'll go to the other hospital.

Cardiologist is waiting there.
But right now I feel like crying against his shoulder.... Problem is: he won't mind...

Maybe I'll throw all those pills in the bin and see what happens........



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