One of those days
It was one of those days again.
Lots of plans and no energy at all.
I've learned not to fight days like these. I tried, often enough, but it only ads to the problem, because it makes me feel miserable, failing, and I only see more things that need to be done.
I was lucky. The temperature finally went down.
For the next days wind and rain are expected.
Even better: storm at the beach. I don't think it's possible to go there this week I don't have the cheap train tickets we use for that. Such a pity.
But the week will be interesting enough, I expect.
Tomorrow one of my girls has a couple of important tests, one of the boys will be celebrating his birthday a few days later, another one told me today he would help me with one of the items of the to do list, a magazine needs to be ready for the printer, I need to prepare and give a lesson on writing press releases, and I need to prepare a speech and an important meeting for next week.
Today I've been thinking a lot. About Manchester and London, but also about the fact that this week two girls of 14 were murdered. One of them murdered by a 16 year old, the other presumably by a 14 year old.
Something is terribly wrong in this world.
Why do so many people lack empathy and a conscience?
Before going to bed I'll give myself an injection again. I told I would do it to the doc's assistant on Friday, so I'd better not postpone it. Tomorrow I'll be more active, I expect. Hopefully with less pain and muscles that work. No time to take a rest anymore.