This world seems to be a bad movie, without a hero.
Again London has suffered terrorist attacks on innocent people.
I feel so sorry for all those people who just wanted to have a nice evening in town, and ended up in terror.
At least seven persons died, 48 are injured. Three hospitals are on lock down.
I saw a photo of a police woman. Her fear was flooding her eyes. To think that colleagues of Richard are caught in the middle of events, makes me freeze. It also makes me grateful Richard is safe with his family.
The past years I've been thinking a lot about having children in this time.
When I got my children the world was in a kind of hopeful era. We were just creeping out of a financial crisis. We were full of hope for the future, thinking the youth had all opportunities they needed and wanted, and we trusted each other. I even posted my bicycle against shopwindows or streetlights without a lock on it, and I didn't even think it could be stolen.
People accepted their differences, swallowed their criticism, and didn't speak out just to hurt each other.
Now the time of promises is over.
Young people are not longer the hope and future of the country, but are subject of deep criticism, object of loans for education and housing, are aware they can't even earn what they need to live in this society and are susceptible for psychological and even psychiatric influences.
I think that people are just as easily manipulated as in the thirties, and maybe the young adults even more.
Groups that pretend to bring the message of a god, bring terror and fear, they kill and create life-lasting injuries.
A few weeks ago I entered a train, and just before the doors closed two heavily armed policemen jumped in, locating with their eyes other policemen without uniform. They were supposed to be there for our safety, but I was very aware my head was in front of their guns if something might happen.
Is this the world I would start a family in?
This world seems to be a bad movie, without a hero.
I don't want to start a family in a world where they have to look around to see if someone behaves in a way that a terrorist attack might happen, a world in which their friends might be killed.
Some of my kids love to travel or need to travel for their studies or jobs. Another one works at a public place. And another is a crisis journalist, well known for his fast presence at incidents.
I know children can die before their parents die.
Two of my babies died, so I know the grief.
But to imagine they die because of some nutcases who are not able to think logically and rationally, who think there is a god who gives them presents in an afterlife where they at least have no body and no personal identity.....
(None of them answered what they will do with those virgins they expect, as they don't even have eyes to see them, let alone the rest of the body to...)
I feel sorry for my children and other young people to live in this time.
They've inherited a world their parents are not responsible for. We're victims, just as much.
This world seems to be a bad movie, without a hero.