24. Make hats
Most little girls love hats.
I was lucky to grow up in a time that older women had to wear hats. So there was always one laying on a hall table, hanging from the corner of a bed or a chair, or given to me.
I was not going for the look, but for the feeling.
It made me feel rich and nice.
Then one day my aunt or gram gave me a basket.
I used it as a lady's bag, until I suddenly popped it on my head. I remember my aunt laughing.
I was allowed to keep the basket. And I started to pin things on it, like flowers and nice buttons, a little piece of lace and ribbons.
It was the first hat I made, and it wouldn't be the last.
A few years later I got a black french beret. I was very happy with it and soon I was wearing it all day and the years to come people didn't know me anymore without a beret. I had all colours, and when people didn't know my name I was called: the singing girl with the beret.
By that time I had learned to crochet hats, and friends and unknown people asked me to make crochet hats for them.
The past years I've made a few felt hats, and I enjoyed it so much, that I bought a few berets,
A couple of large summer hats, and in the sales two fedoras (one summer and one winter hat).
Of course after a few times wearing the hats plain, I started to decorate them.
I would love to be able to decorate hats in a more professional way. It's an art of using materials to create a feeling of flow and beauty.
I see more women wear a hat, women of all ages.
So who knows... maybe in the future they'll wear a hat made by me.